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What do Van Gogh and Word Puzzles have in Common? - ME!

Writer: reneechristenreneechristen

The first full week in February has come and gone. Thank goodness the heat has abated a bit the last couple of days. It is amazing how much the heat can take it out of you. This week has been spent mostly indoors for me, resting and recharging. This self-care is something I have always known I needed but since my diagnosis has become even more of a priority. I know the cooler weather and the rest is having rejuvenating effects on my psyche. I feel so much happier and, I do not struggle as much on the days when I do not take my meds. I am constantly walking around the house, singing and humming to myself and dancing around to whatever tune is in my head. The last time I remember doing this I think I was about 14 years old and mustering sheep on foot. Yes, I imagine that would have been a sight, me walking/dancing behind a heard of sheep in the middle of nowhere. Again, I was never like the other children.

The other pasttime I am reconnecting with is colouring in. From the research I have done, a love of colouring in is typical of a neurodivergent little girl. It has been so relaxing to sit down, with an audiobook on and colour. I have been alternating colouring with knitting whilst I listen to Onyx Storm by Rebecca Yarros. I definitely recommend this series if you like romantsy books. I still have not finished that shawl. I am finding at the moment I am not enjoying knitting as much as I used to. This may also be attributable to the heat. 

There has been a few things that have been taking up the majority of my time this week. The first is writing. I am thoroughly enjoying putting my thoughts down and reflecting on what I am doing. I often carry a note book with me and will have a thought and it automatically goes into the book or I sit down at my laptop and just type away. I am finding this far more helpful than journalling ever was. My personal journal is only really used when I am trying to process a big emotion or situation and it helps me work through it and put my thoughts in order. This, however, helps me to process my life and put that in order. It really does show how important connection and purpose are. 

Learning has been a massive theme this week. I spent some of my time learning about website building and design but I have also been reading a book on Van Gogh. Mid last year I visited the National Gallery of Australia in Canberra. It was utterly breathtaking, and I was able to see Nymphéas (Waterlilies) by Monet up close. It was definitely a highlight as well as seeing the Gauguin exhibition. I left with a few books under my arm and some wonderful memories.

One of these books was the Van Gogh book. I find reading books such as these is inspiring. Not just to paint, but to be free. Reading books such as these allow me to muse about another time and what it would have been like and wonder how I can embody such feelings. To wonder where they found their creativity, their ability to walk away from convention. 

I am reminded that everyone has to start somewhere. I am but a baby, learning about a brand new  world around me. There are opportunities in my future I do not even know about yet nor can comprehend where this path will lead. Van Gogh himself, never knew of his fame or the meaning that came from his life. He was always trying new things, new techniques, he would copy Japanese paintings and put his own mark on it. He would try new things with colour, light and composition, all things I am wanting to learn more about. Van Gogh would also always draw his models and scenes in great detail beforehand and then put colour over the top like a second skin which was different from other artists of his time. When we are always so drawn to things it often feels like they have to be done or look a certain way. Van Gogh did not follow this rule, a rule I have followed and am trying to break. Reading books like this teaches this. People find their own ways that work for them. They teach us about the connection others have to art and life and what it meant to them. 

That brings us to the end of the week. I ended mine with a day in bed doing word puzzles. I love doing work puzzles as they help to learn new facts and words, they improve your vocabulary, improve mental function, focus, working memory and executive function (things I struggle with), they help critical and analytic thinking (problem solving) and finally, it is mental stimulation which in turn stimulates creativity. This day left me feeling the best I have felt in a long time.

I am so grateful for your time reading this post.

Please leave a comment and tell me about the last time you felt so well rested you could take on anything.

See you soon xx



Feb 09

I have a wonderful image of you mustering sheep now, Renee. I am learning many new things about you by reading your blog.

Feb 12
Replying to

It was a sight. Funniest thing is I thought no one could see me but I found out later they could. They had a bit of a laugh 😂


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